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July 2nd, 2010, 10:04 AM
Posts: 35
[1] I think I asked this before but is it possible in the latest software to send marketing email to everyone (or multiple contacts).

[2] When I send an email to a contact via CommitCRM I always get a popup asking where to save account's documents which is annoying and doesnt is always behind the windows I have open so the email wont send until I realise this is being asked. Can this be done automatically or emails saved in the database so that I dont need to have to keep answering this question?

Thank you.

July 2nd, 2010, 11:31 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Paul,

(1) Yes, you can use the Accounts module 'Send Group Email' feature to send email messages to a filtered set of Account/contacts (It uses Outlook to actually send the messages). You can access this feature from Accounts > Tools > Send Group Email.
That being said, you can also export your Accounts/Contacts list into an Excel file and use it with more robust and feature rich batch-emailing systems.

(2) Each Email you send to an Account/Contact form RangerMSP is filed under the Account and you can easily access it by visiting the Account Docs tab (even if you delete the email from Outlook it'll still remain under RangerMSP - and - accessible to all users). In order to save the email it asks you for a store folder for this Account. There is no way to prevent the system from asking you to select a store folder, however, it asks only once for each Account, store the selected folder and will use it from now on for any email you'll be sending to the main Account or any Secondary Contacts listed under this Account.


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