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June 29th, 2010, 03:32 AM
Posts: 8
CommitCRM CRM can dial by activating the windows phone dialer directly. I am running it on Windows 7 Home Premium.

My VOIP phone system is based on Maxo / Pennytel / Mynetfone / Voxalot VOIP through a Cisco SPA2102 ATA. I wanted a phone dialer to reduce the number of clicks to begin a VOIP call down to two (right click, dial 1/2/3/4), when initiated fromCommitCRM.

My goal is to track my contact calling history while simultaneously reducing the click workload.

The solution was to install a free program called SIPTAPI from a company called IPCom.

I had to configure it to dial my ATA in the proxy section of the SipTAPI configuration, as per the alternative usage approach documented in the siptapi tutorial pdf. The other way didn't seem to work. But that way works perfect. My Sipura/Linksys/Cisco 2102 ATA is the router, and siptapi calls it making my phone ring. Then it refers me to the number the windows dialer is dialing. The result is a dialer that works perfectly, seamlessly, and very quickly, without requiring a modem and the subsequent extra cabling, double adapters & possible impedance problems, and works from any program.

I use a simple ten dollar HTT-806 chinese made handset. When it rings, I pick it up. A moment later I am talking to my customer.

SIPTAPI is brilliant. Thank you Klaus Darilion ! http://www.ipcom.at/en/telephony/siptapi/

But I have one question: Does the new CommitCRM allow the timer record (in x minutes) to be converted to a history note instead of just a charge?

Xenek Stoehr
Endless Technology Pty Ltd
June 29th, 2010, 09:59 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Xenek,

Thanks for posting this.

The Windows dialer is a powerful piece of software, since it supports TAPI requests from software like RangerMSP. The dialer would be even better if it was more exposed in the newer operating systems like MS Windows 7. If anybody's looking for the icon to open the dialer, just go to Start > Run > Dialer.exe.

Thanks for the contribution, Xenek. :-)


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