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December 24th, 2007, 02:45 AM
Posts: 43
How do I avoid entering duplicate service tickets in CommitCRM which are on the same problem, like when getting a second phone call from the same client, and they report on the same issue? Does CommitCRM prevent this in any way?

December 24th, 2007, 03:15 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Yes, you can check for exiting open tickets before you complete opening a new Ticket - when creating a new Ticket for a specific Account, in the "new ticket window" you can view all other open tickets for this Account. This list of tickets appears under the Account information in the window. You can scroll through this list and check if there is an existing Ticket which is opened for the same issue.

If you find such a Ticket in the list, you can double-click it, which will quit the new ticket creation and the system will move you into the exiting Ticket window. Here you can update the Ticket with the new information.



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