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June 14th, 2010, 03:03 PM
Posts: 76
By default on a ticket under the Email Recipients tab the Account Manager and Ticket Manager are listed - eg. <Account Manager: Bob>

This does *not* mean the Account Manager (Bob) will receive these emails. I incorrectly assumed this. It means *if* Bob's CommitCRM user options specify he should, then he will. He has to turn this on.

I emailed support and Doron helped me out:
"Each employee select the level of notification they wish to receive for Ticket email threading. By default, the level is Ticket Manager (i.e. you will receive alerts when you are the Ticket manager but not when you are the Account manager). This can be changed by each employee by navigating to the Tools > Options > Tickets-2 tab. If you increase the level to also receive emails at the Account Manager level, you should receive any email correspondence that is related to Tickets related to Accounts you are assigned to as a manager.
In any case – employees do not receive email they send themselves."

To be safe than sorry, I'd explicitly add whomever you want to receive the emails concerning the ticket, unless you know each user's setting.

Doron - correct me if I missed anything. Otherwise, thanks for your help.
June 15th, 2010, 06:11 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting it. And, yes, this is correct.

Note that near each Employee Recipient an asterisk * may be displayed in cases where the employee set their email correspondence level to Off, or when the set it to only receive emails for tickets they were manually subscribed to (by name). This way you know whether they'll get the email or not.

Following your feedback on this we will enhance the* feature and will also display it next to the Auto-Account-Manager employee recipient, in case the employee selected Not to receive emails for tickets when being the Account manager. This way you'll also know whether the Account manager receives emails for this ticket or not, without needing to subscribe the employee manually just to be safe. Thanks for the feedback.

June 15th, 2010, 08:59 AM
Posts: 76

I think that enhancement would be a wise addition and good indicator to the end-user. Thanks again.

Last edited by JoshuaB : June 15th, 2010 at 09:00 AM. Reason: Addition

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