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December 5th, 2007, 09:20 PM
Posts: 524
there is a drop down "manager" box which I am assuming is to be used to assign tickets to various techs... the problem is that we need to track tickets @ a manager level as well as assign tickets to techs. The idea is that a ticket gets routed to a tech but a manager is ultimately responsible for making sure the ticket is completed in a timely fashion and properly closed (eliminating a single point of failure). Is there a way to do this in the current system? If not, can we request a feature that allows us to assign the ticket to a tech in addition to a manager (for follow up and quality control, in other words, workflow processing).

thanks --

December 6th, 2007, 02:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

The "manager" of a service Ticket is the one who is responsible for the Ticket and needs to track it and make sure it is being handled and resolved.

You can set yourself as the Manager and assign as many on-site visits (Appointments) and Tasks to other technicians. All these Appointments and Tasks are linked to the Ticket and are displayed under the Pending tab of the Ticket (you can also add them from this tab of directly in the Calendar/Dispatcher window). You can also track this in the Account level, under the Account's Pending tab.

Note that when dispatching an open Ticket to a technician from the Dispatcher window, an Appointment is added to the technician's calendar (which is automatically linked to the service Ticket), while the Ticket manager remains the same.

So to sum this up - there is one manager who is assigned to each Ticket and as many technicians assigned to Tasks/Appointments linked to it.
If you want to set someone else as the main manager of the Ticket then they are the ones responsible for it (otherwise you would have just added a Task for them while remaining the manager).

Note that you can track open Tickets with different types of filters, by the Account, open dates, Ticket type, priority, manager, etc. You may also use any of the predefined Ticket fields (Field1, Field2, etc.) to add filtering options and easily filter the Tickets list by these fields.

We believe having a single manager for a Ticket keeps the system simple and allows you flexibility in other ways as explained.

Anyway, I know different users use the "Ticket manager" in different ways, some transfer it from one to another ( i.e. to the person that needs to perform the next action), some keep the Ticket manager with the original value and only use Tasks and Appointments, etc.

I hope this makes more sense now.


p.s. In case anyone of you guys is using it differently it may be nice if you post about it here!
December 18th, 2007, 01:17 PM
Posts: 2
We assign the ticket to the tech. Each tech is responsible for adding parts, labor, and travel time to each ticket after they completed the work and mark the ticket for followup. This isn't possible to do through appointments/tasks method that I know of. We would like to see some sort of subticket/task/appointment with the ability to add the those charges to the ticket so we don't have to switch the ticket to each department manager just assign a subticket/task/appointment to each of them with their task where they can add charges and mark their part complete or for followup.
December 18th, 2007, 01:36 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Basically, you may use the Appointments and Tasks which are linked to the Ticket, and assign each of them to the relevant technician. BTW, using the Dispatcher you can easily dispatch a Ticket for on-site Appointments to a specific technician.

Once the Appointment/Task is done, the technician can right-click it (in the Appointments/Tasks list or in the Dispatcher calendar window), and select "Charge Appointment" or "Charge Task". This will open a new Charge window and will automatically fill in the Account, Ticket, Contract and the Description from the Appointment/Task. All they need to do is set the Item and the Amount and they are done.

After adding Charges for the Appointment/Task you may set them as Done, or mark their status using any other field (such as Field1, Field2 which can be customized to represent "Status" fields), which will allow you to mark them as "done" or for follow-up. You can read about customizing field here.


December 18th, 2007, 02:10 PM
Posts: 2
How would you handle a task that doesn't have a time specification? IE order part, when in area drop off at client etc...
December 18th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can add the task with a date, which will function as a "due date" which is the final date to perform this task. All the Tasks are listed in the Calendar's Tasks list so you can review it daily and see what you have pending. You can also view the tasks in the related Account/Ticket in the "Pending" tab so you can review open issues per Account before going on an on-site visit. Note that when the date is overdue, it will be displayed in red so you will notice it.

BTW, you can Charge Tasks also from the Account/Ticket Pending tab by right-clicking it and select "New Charge from Task".


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