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How can I display more information for an Account at a glance?

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    How can I display more information for an Account at a glance?

    I find that in some cases I want to view the most relevant information for an account at a glance on a single page/tab. I want to see the address, notes and the general information, how can I do this?

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    Re: How can I display more information for an Account at a glance?

    When viewing an Account in RangerMSP you can use the "Complete details" view rather than the "list and details". You can change views from the "View" menu on the top-right corner of the window or by using the keyboard shortcuts shown in this menu (Ctrl+D will show complete details, and Ctrl+K will return to the list and details view).

    This view displays the General tab at the top part of the window and then you can display the details or address tab on the bottom part of the window (note that the address tab includes the Notes field). I believe this will be helpful as it provides most of the relevant information at a glance.

