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January 14th, 2010, 09:12 AM
Posts: 1

When our engineers are dispatched to a location for service work we bill the client for any mileage incurred over 15miles. We currently have our mileage charge in as a labor item.

Now that we are live with CommitCRM entering in the mileage as a labor charge looks bizarre because it looks like a unit of time.

What we would like to do is change this item to an expense. If we make this change now, how will it effect charges that are currently on open and closed tickets and will we have to remove our current SKU and then recreate it as an expense item?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
January 14th, 2010, 12:25 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this.
To track mileage, we usually suggest using Expense Items, based on units (not time) and setting the price for each unit (mile). You can then select this Item for a Charge you enter under a Ticket or an account and log the amount of miles you to bill your customer for in the charge quantity field. You can then track the mileage by account by filtering the charge list to only show charges made to a specific account in a specific time frame, while already billing your customer for the miles driven.

To make the transition to the new item easiest as possible, you can filter the charges list to only show all the charges to the old item that are not marked billed yet, and replace those charges with a matching expense charge.

Alternatively, you can leave the old charges as they are, and start using the new item. The older item would need to stay in the system no matter which option you choose; however, that item could be renamed so that your employees would not charge it by accident.

Let us know if this helps.


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