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January 5th, 2010, 06:28 AM
Posts: 34
If all the items have been synced from your employees MS Outlook folder, then they'll have to be deleted one by one. An alternative solution is to start your employee with a new employee account; however, this solution is not viable is you've been using the system for long.

We were told by CommitCRM support to do as above and We created a new employee account, but the outlook sync is giving us an error.

" It is not possible to sync with the Appointments folder since it was synchronized by another user'

But we have already made the previous user inactive since there is no way to delete a user.

What shall we do?


January 5th, 2010, 07:22 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Jared,

Thanks for posting this.
The system doesn't allow a user to sync to any folder that has been synced to a different RangerMSP user. To resolve this, please create a new empty folder in Outlook, and have RangerMSP sync to that folder for this user.

Let us know how this goes.


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