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December 4th, 2007, 03:42 AM
Product User
Posts: 123
Is it possible to set tickets views based on filters. In other words, a technician is responsible for a certain group of tickets and they only need access to those tickets. Is it possible to set employee permissions for those views so that employees don't see tickets for which they have no responsibility?

* We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.
December 4th, 2007, 03:50 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can set the technicians users permissions to view only their own Tickets, History notes, Charges (work logged into RangerMSP), Appointments and Tasks etc. To do this, you should use the appropriate privileges group.

Each employee belongs to a certain privilege group. you can set new privileges groups from File > User and Privileges. In each groups you can set the privileges for viewing/editing other employees ticket, charges and more.

You can read about setting up new employees and their privileges in our Setup Guide, and some more information in our here on the subject.


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