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December 15th, 2009, 06:34 AM
Posts: 4
Hi, currently evaluating whether CommitCRM will be suitable. Where would I find a list of all fields inCommitCRM? Ideally with a description of their characteristcs. Ideally so I could sort them according to logical grouping. I want to do a test import of a selection of our contacts, before I do that I want to preview, what fields CommitCRM looks for, and what fields I have. (Currently using a self built, very flexible system in Access, and have many, many fields to allow me to track many aspects of info being recorded)
December 15th, 2009, 07:41 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this question.
The RangerMSP system comes with many fields which 90% of which can be edited to hold different information. In addition to customizing existing system generated fields, the system also allows creation of user generated tabs which you can add your own unique fields to, and have data stored within. For this reason, we do not have a prepared field list, since such a list would instill the idea that the system does not allow customization of these data fields.

If you are already evaluating the RangerMSP trial, then we suggest attempting to customize the fields to your own needs, to see if the Access database can be migrated to the RangerMSP database. Once these fields have been edited/created, you can use standard import options to populate your data into these new fields.

For more information regarding field customization, please click here and here.
For more information regarding Import & Export options, please click here and here.

Let us know if this helps.


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