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December 14th, 2009, 09:44 AM
Posts: 1,146
Using the web interface under appoints you have a few date options. One says today, next week, and next month. Ive noticed that next week is actually this week, and next month is actually this month. How can i change the wording to reflect the actual time frame the system is searching?

I would like to change next to "This" for both week and month.
December 14th, 2009, 11:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this.
The dropdown list you've mentioned is a closed Web Interface feature which cannot be edited from within RangerMSP. I've passed your comments to the QA team, which is in charge of addressing these types of corrections to the RangerMSP system.

We'd like to thank you for bringing this mistake to our attention; we hope to have this issue addressed as soon as possible, so that no other users will be confused by this.

Thanks again, nattivillin. :-)


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