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November 19th, 2009, 01:16 AM
Posts: 1
Is it possible to have CommitCRM running on a local server and provide simultaneous access from both LAN & WAN?
November 19th, 2009, 07:33 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi goingrey,

Thank you for your question.

Yes, you can make the Web Interface accessible both from your LAN and from the WAN by using a DNS rather than an IP in the Web Interface server settings.

This means that the RangerMSPWebInterface.ini file located in \RangerMSP\WebInterface needs to have your external domain name set in the ServerIP token.

For example: ServerIP=www.mydomainname.com

Once this is done, an internal DNS record must be created pointing your internal LAN computers to the internal IP address of the RangerMSP server every time a LAN computer access the domain-name.

I hope this helps.


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