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November 27th, 2007, 05:06 PM
Posts: 8
Is there a way to export the results of a report to Excel?
November 28th, 2007, 01:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Exporting data from RangerMSP to Excel is available from the application for any data that is displayed in the lists.

Note that you can export the data from the application to Excel, and then perform your own calculations using Excel formulas, pivot table, etc. You can save your own formulas template and replace the data with new data for each period of time.

Exporting application data to Excel
You can export data from RangerMSP to Excel or any other data file. A simple option to do this is when viewing a list (e.g . in the Account window) and then clicking on the 'Export' button on the toolbar (small Excel Icon), or by right-clicking above the table/grid, selecting Table Options > Export Table Data and then selecting the desired format.

Another option would be to use the Advanced Data Export wizard which allows you to filter and sort the information before exporting it, select exactly which fields will be exported and in what order and more.

Click here to read more about the exporting options and how to activate the wizard in our FAQ.

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