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September 28th, 2009, 11:52 AM
Posts: 43
I've been thinking of using Google apps to manage mail accounts for my customers instead of installing and managing Exchange on their server. We currently use it for our business (migrated from Exchange) and it works great.

Is anyone provides such a service already and got some tips? How much should I charge for this service?
September 28th, 2009, 02:32 PM
Posts: 76
Getting ready to migrate a large non-profit over in the next week. Very excited. Just setup for another office (standard/free version) and it went very well! I'm loving this! I'm about ready to start moving everyone. There are several concerns I can see, but the options and simplicity seem to outweigh them for me. Google Apps rocks.

How much to charge? Probably can't charge more than $50/yr/user - that's what Google does. Explore the reseller options though - I think about 20% options for you. Need at least 25 users to start up though. Huge cut into normal hosting, at such a low rate, but then again - this is only email services and the customer satisfaction will go through the roof!

I'd love to hear how it goes for you though Chrisits - and others.
October 5th, 2009, 02:19 PM
Posts: 43
Thanks JoshuaB, glad to see others move in the same direction!

Considering the related services I think that $50/year/mailbox is too low... That's what Google charges but I think that we should charge more (whether we become Google resellers or not).

As a service provider we'll provide our clients with all associated services - adding new mailboxes, setting up email aliases, configuring Postini, adding security rules, removing mailboxes, configuring MX records, etc... therefore I believe that we should get paid for all this, though I'm not sure what the right pricing model is - a fixed annual/monthly fee? fixed + pay extra per services? etc.

Any thoughts?
October 5th, 2009, 02:25 PM
Posts: 76

Of course adding to the cost is justifiable - as a value added reseller here. However, the customer would easily see the $50/mo and know you were up-charging. If you move forward with this model, I'd encourage you to have a management fee or "package" of some sort.

No doubt their fee is low! Really hurts me. But... they're competing with the world and can do it! =/

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