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Sales and Marketing

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    Sales and Marketing

    Hi all!

    I'm at a point right now where it's CRITICAL that I generate new business. I won't go into why I'm in this tough spot right now, but it's one I WON'T let myself get into again!

    I was wondering if anyone has a few ideas that have worked for them for generating new leads (low hanging fruit) quickly? It will be intersting to hear what others have done.

    What "content" or "approach" have you found that opens doors?


    Re: Sales and Marketing

    Wow Gavin! What a question...

    I am certainly interested if anyone has a 'magic bullet' technique that can give instant results. I am sure you are like every other IT Support/Services business in that it can take a considerable time to convert a customer. You usually have to wait until an 'event' happens for that potential customer to start the change process.

    All good business advisor will say that it easier to get more profitable business from your existing customers than trying to win new customers. So with that logic in mind is there an opportunity within your existing customer base to 'create' and event that forces them to spend more money with you. The most glaring example is Windows 7.

    To directly answer your question though, I would suggest going to as many business networking events as you can (BNI, Chamber etc). Try not come across as a 'hunter' and be more of 'farmer'. It is hard work, but it is inportant to treat it as work.

    Having been a member of business networking organisations for many years, I could expand further (and would love to hear others thoughts), but I feel that's another thread.




      Re: Sales and Marketing


      I've not specifically been in an 'urgent must generate income' now position but the single best marketing strategy that has little or no cost and DOES generate income quickly is canvassing or cold calling.

      The best approach is to, introduce yourself, leave some information (flyer), leave a GIFT (A free 2 hour service voucher is good) and GATHER information (business card and observations), the leave (don't actually try to sell anything during this call).

      The business card is for your data base building exercise and the observations (which you record on the back of the card immediately you exit the premise) is to allow you to 'flavour' the direct mail letter you use to follow on the call. You might observe 3 PC's, no server and no obvious backup tape or other solution. Therefore, your would focus your direct mail letters (you actually have 3 campaigns in my example) on 1) data backup 2) need a server 3) managed services.

      So from this one call you have the opportunity to 'touch' this person at least 9 more times (assuming you use a 3 letter approach).

      This approach quickly reaps qualified prospects and gives you the greatest level of success in generating business.


        Re: Sales and Marketing

        Excellent replies.

        I know that there is no "magic bullet" to getting out there and making GOOD sales. However being in this tight spot I agree that I need to:

        1) See what low hanging fruit is available in our current client base
        2) Cold calling. Or how I like to look at it is find a way to turn suspects into warm calls real fast.

        Thanks for the reminders guys. I think its so easy to get caught up in everything that's going on that sometimes we forget the BASICS.



          Re: Sales and Marketing

          Referrals. Referrals. Referrals. If you don't have agood referral program you are losing out on no cost marketing and a huge potential customer base. Word of mouth referrals is the single fastest way my business has grown over the past couple of years. To start off, just ask your customers directly to refer their friends and colleagues if they are happy with the service. Come up with a referral bonus program. when I started out I offered the Referrer 25% off the labour of their next callout, and the Referral (new customer) the same (I've also offered 50% off the first hour). This incentivises both the referrer and referral to pick up the phone and ring.

          Longer term, send out a monthly newsletter that emphasies your referral program and encourages people to forward the newsletter on to other people who might be interested. This means you have to write an interesting newsletter that is more than just an ad, but this is also fun and develops a relationship and dialog between you and your customers.



            Re: Sales and Marketing

            Get invited or involved in a TIP Club, meet weekly and pass out as many business cards as you can. I've had a couple good leads turn into contracts this way. Make sure you attend weekly so they keep your face fresh in their mind.


              Re: Sales and Marketing

              Voluneeting your time and experience in community projects (computer repair for the elderly, etc.) can generate many new leads.

