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September 11th, 2009, 08:25 PM
Posts: 3
Do you have a certain product that sets you apart from others, that really offers value and provides help in an area where the client didn't expect it?

One example for me would be an electronic time clock system called TimeIPS. I have really solved a problem for several clients that they didn't know they had. Once they actually figured out how much time was spent messing with the traditional card punch system they used it was a no brainer and they really thanked me for it. These clients had a large number of hourly employees so they really benefited.

Do you have any solutions like this that really helped a client with a problem they didn't know they had?
September 29th, 2009, 05:52 AM
Posts: 10
We provide training sessions a couple times a year where we review procedures that help customers stay organized. Most of these sessions are informal and customers seem to be very appreciative of this service. During these sessions we always discover some unattended service or repair we can provide, so it turns out these sessions have a great return beyond strengthening customer relations.

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