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using fields in custom tabs

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    using fields in custom tabs

    I am trying to use fields from the assets on my custom tab under tickets, so that when details are entered under my customer tab the are also entered in under assets.
    (eg: field 'asset: serial number')
    Is this possible?

    Re: using fields in custom tabs

    Hi trogers,

    I don't think there is a way to do what you are trying to do. Perhaps the best way to go about this is linking the ticket to the asset itself, and then you will be able to access the full asset information from within the ticket when needed. When viewing the ticket, you can right-click the asset (in the Contract/Asset tab), and use the Show Asset option in order to view the full asset details.

    I hope this makes sense.



      Re: using fields in custom tabs

      lol, i didn't even notice that assets showed up under Contract/Asset Tab (i'm still new to assets). It's a shame a can't make up my own one tab that has everything linked to it. I guess i will just have to train the staff to use multiple tabs/pages.
      It's a feature i would love to request. (kind of like my own homepage or even a POS)


        Re: using fields in custom tabs

        Hi trogers,

        Thanks for your feedback on this. I see what you mean and I logged your feedback to be further considered. Thanks for letting us know how this can help you.

        BTW, have you tried using the Complete Details view for the ticket? This view shows the ticket's General tab in the top part of the window, and the Contract/Asset tab (or any other tab) in the bottom part of the window. This way you can see much more information at a glance, and still navigate between the tickets using the navigation arrows on the toolbar. Perhaps this can help you for now.


