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Alert server:

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    Alert server:

    I am having a problem getting CommitCRM to send me an email for various tasks, like when I have a new ticket or a change has been made to an account. I have Alert Server turned on and configured to send me an email alert for all options, but I never get the email. On the server configuration I have an email address entered but the "queue" always shows up as empty. The Outgoing Mail Server and Email Connector both work with the email address but Alert Services does not. Any ideas?


    Re: Alert server:

    Hi Carmen,

    sounds like a problem with outgoing emails, where the system isn't able to send out the alerts using the RangerMSPServer service.

    I suggest that you try going over the Alerts Server Troubleshooting section here. It also will point you to additional troubleshooting for outgoing emails here - this section contains some very useful advice, which usually help.

    In addition, when testing, make sure you test it with another RangerMSP user performing the changes (you will not receive alerts for changes you perform yourself).

    I hope that the troubleshooting will help you track the problem, as it usually does help.


