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Outlook Auto Sync reverts to Off on every CRM restart

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    Outlook Auto Sync reverts to Off on every CRM restart

    Why does the Outlook Auto Sync feature (v5.0.0.5) always default to OFF whenever CommitCRM is closed and reopened, even if it was set to ON the last time CommitCRM was open?

    This is frustrating because I have to remember to turn it back on every time I want to reboot my computer and reopenCommitCRM. Is there a specific reason it defaults back to Off? Most programs remember your last settings and retain them after closing/opening the program.

    Is there any way to automatically turn it on? If not, can this be added to a future version?

    Re: Outlook Auto Sync reverts to Off on every CRM restart

    Yes, and thank you for asking this.

    Starting with RangerMSP CRM version 5.0 you can save your Outlook Sync settings for the next RangerMSP session.

    After selecting the sync settings, select Tools > Synchronize Outlook > Auto Sync > Save Auto Sync Settings.



      Re: Outlook Auto Sync reverts to Off on every CRM restart

      Thanks Dina! (Okay I know I'm nitpicking... but I still suggest that it automatically save your Auto Sync Settings for you whenever you make a change to them!!)


        Re: Outlook Auto Sync reverts to Off on every CRM restart

        A couple more things:

        - I would love to see an option in "Sync Options..." for hiding the "Synchronizing..." dialog that pops up (annoyingly... taking focus away from whatever window was active) every time it synchronizes.

        - When I create a single appointment in Outlook and then Sync Appts, the appt shows up inCommitCRM. However, when I create a single appointment in Outlook with a recurrence, and then synchronize, the appointment does not show up at all inCommitCRM. Why is this? Is this just not supported? Or do we have something configured incorrectly? (This happens for all users on our network.)

        We are using Exchange Server 2007 on Windows Server 2008.


          Re: Outlook Auto Sync reverts to Off on every CRM restart


          It doesn't automatically save the settings on purpose. Many times users select to perform a sync which is different than their standard one - for example - you save to always auto-sync you Outlook, and then select to sync for other, just once, you probably wouldn't like the system to auto-sync-to-others from now on. In any case, thanks for you feedback on this (I'll log it).

          Popup - I'll add you vote for this. I believe we already have this request in our system.

          Recurring appointments should be added in RangerMSP using the recurring appointment option (ones initially created in Outlook are not synced). All instances will now be synced from RangerMSP to Outlook and any change to any of these instances in Outlook will be synced back to RangerMSP.


