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Charges import utility via API

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    Re: Charges import utility via API

    Thanks for asking. Good news! Our next new version, 23, will introduce a built-in Charge import tool that will allow importing Charges from Excel/CSV files.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Charges import utility via API

      That is great, roll on version 23!


        Re: Charges import utility via API

        Great news! Thanks Commit :)


          Re: Charges import utility via API

          We now have an "Import Charge" process with CommitCRM and working well. Thank you to the Commit team for introducing this.

          The process to set up took a while and worked out that if you start an import there is a part of the wizard that allows alignment of the fields, so could play with the Excel file to align.

          I cannot see a way to attach a file to this post but the following are the field headings that worked for me with the first line of charges (relating to phone call charges):

          Account,Price/Rate,Description,Date,Charged Item,Item Type,Contract Code,Employee,Billing Status,Group,Units

          CUSTOMER,£5.66,Phone Call Charge - July 2019,01/08/2019,Phone Call Charges,Phone,System,ENGINEER,Billable,Product/Part,1

          The 2 fields "item Type" and "Group" didn't line up although this did not appear to affect the import, so will remove for next month.

          I hope this helps someone and good luck importing.



            Re: Charges import utility via API

            Thank you for posting this and for your feedback!

            Indeed "Item Type" and "Group" can be removed and that are not mandatory.

            We will shortly update and expand the Import Charges article on our Wiki .


              Re: Charges import utility via API

              When importing charges with the Import charges tool

              1. Is there any way of using an Account number or RecordID for customer accounts in Ranger rather than the Account name having to match, (customers sometimes change their business name).

              2. Do you have any information on the format of and how to use the template (.cmf file referred to in the import process ) for matching fields automatically



                Re: Charges import utility via API

                Thank you for posting this.

                Sure, you can use Account number or Account Record ID to match the customer while importing the Charges.

                While mapping the fields, you can select one of the following fields:

                In order to create a template (.cmf file) that will be then used for mapping fields automatically, you should first select the option to match the fields manually, map the fields on the next step and use the 'Save' button at the screen bottom to save the mapping.

                Hope this helps.

