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Power BI

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    Re: Power BI

    Hi all,

    After some work and help from the CommitCRM team I now have some working Power Bi reports. We have uploaded these and they run on a schedule and email out, the problem I have now is that I have been using the "on-premise personal gateway" I have now loaded the "on-premise data gateway" for servers but cannot seem to get it to connect is anyone else having the same issue?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


      Re: Power BI

      Are you using a system DSN ODBC connection?


        Re: Power BI

        Hi Craig, yes I've setup a dedicated sever with the ODBC driver installed and a System DSN ODBC connection setup. I have installed the "on-premise data gateway" and signed in with the correct user to link to the Power Bi service. I get the below error when setting up the Data Source on the Power Bi side:
        "Unable to connect: We encountered an error while trying to connect to . Details: "We could not register this data source for any gateway instances within this cluster. Please find more details below about specific errors for each gateway instance.""

        Thanks again for your help!


          Re: Power BI

          can anyone share the connections in powerBi between tables?


            Re: Power BI

            Hi eliavbaruch,

            I'm not sure why but for some reason people are unwilling to share their progress or how they get this working.

            Having said that, I have attached the relationships from a couple of my reports, I hope this helps.

            Attached Files


              Re: Power BI

              Graeme, thank you for sharing this information!

              @eliavbaruch - this article contains information about major tables and fields in the application.

              Although the relationships are not shown there, it should be straightforward to get them - based on the field name.
              For example:

              Account record in various tables:

              Cards.RECID = Tickets.CARDID = Slips.CARDID = NoteBook.CARDID

              Please feel free to post here or email us in case you have any questions.

              Hope this helps.


                Re: Power BI

                @Grtaeme-ACT thank you so very much!
                i'll share my work in a different post when i'll finish our dashboard.

                if it's ok with you, I'll be thankful for future assist if need be from you.

                thanks for sharing


                  Re: Power BI

                  @Support Team
                  the link is broken


                    Re: Power BI

                    The link was fixed in the original post and here it is again. Thank you for noticing.


                      Re: Power BI

                      We're trying to pull data into BrightGauge, can anyone share a list of actual SQL queries they are using to pull various reports mentioned here?

