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November 22nd, 2020, 04:29 PM
Posts: 157
Love some of the new features in the pipeline for Version 26, especially the AUTO-REOPEN ticket on customer REPLY. This is huge for us. ETA?
November 23rd, 2020, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Version 26 has just been released and you can download the upgrade here.

The option to auto-reopen tickets when customers reply is included in this version and will automatically be turned on once you upgraded.

November 27th, 2020, 08:20 AM
Posts: 1,146
Did I miss a longer list of features? I see ~3-4 features.

Doesn't seem like enough to be a brand new version, more like 25.X.
November 30th, 2020, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you. This is a new version where the system display changes has been a huge project that affect the app significantly. In any case, that's a 2nd release during the pandemic and the next one is already in the making.

December 8th, 2020, 06:38 PM
Posts: 1,146
After upgrading (terminal server setup) users are complaining the interface is pixelated. Censuses is that it looks better before the upgrade.

How do we make use of the new DPI features I read about?
December 8th, 2020, 06:50 PM
Posts: 1,146
I like the idea of reopening a RECENT ticket if someone replies, but we cant have tickets from 13 months ago reopened because someone was too lazy to submit a new ticket.

Tell me there is a way we can configure "reopen ticket if it is less than XX days old"

And if its more than XX days old, we can have an auto response that says "this ticket is closed, pleased open a new ticket".
December 8th, 2020, 06:51 PM
Posts: 1,146
Or a ticket gets reopened that was billed already. Then we send a new bill for some work and they say "we paid for that already"...
December 9th, 2020, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Regarding the pixelated interface while running the application on the Terminal Server - we would like to learn more about the display settings of the Terminal Server and also on the local machine.
You/the users that experience this can email us the screenshots to support @.

As for your other question - currently the option to reopen the Ticket does not support additional conditions for example, by Ticket close date. We will log your feedback on this, thanks for asking.

Hope this helps.
December 11th, 2020, 05:09 AM
Posts: 1,146
Looks like the pixilation experience is based on monitor size. Users with smaller monitors (14-22) are happy with the change. Users with bigger monitors (22+) are not happy.

I am gathering screen shots.

As for the tickets, we disabled the open ticket on reply. The upside isn't worth having random tickets reopened from years ago.

Creating all the conditions for closed tickets will take some work on your end. If you'd like an easier path to make people happy, an auto response template for closed tickets would go a long way. Then we don't need to reopen tickets, we've told people the ticket is closed and to open a new ticket.
December 11th, 2020, 12:01 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for the update and feedback. Sure, please email us the screenshot. Thanks.

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