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Time in status

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    Time in status


    Is there any way i can have a timer or a way to reorder tickets inside a status,

    when a ticket is transferd from one status to another i want to reset that counter \ timer so i can assign the right order


    Re: Time in status

    Thank you for posting this.

    Although there is no dedicated field that keeps the time when a Ticket status was changed (i.e. counts only that per status), you may consider adding a column for the 'Last Update Date' field and then sort the Ticket list by this column.

    On changing the Ticket fields, including the status, the Ticket 'Last Update Date' field is updated.

    In order to add a column, while in the Tickets list window, right click and select the Table Options option displayed in the pop up menu > Add/Remove Column > select the 'Last Update Date'.

    Once the column is added, you can reorganize the columns in the list by dragging them.

    Hope this helps.

