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April 29th, 2020, 01:26 PM
Posts: 1,146
When a block of ticket contact runs out of hours, every future charge generates a popup "Contact is over hours yadayada".

How do we suppress this?

I understand we need to know they need to be billed, but once we acknowledge this, we have to live with this popup on every charge for every ticket on their account for the rest of the year?

How do we hit a checkbox that says "Make future contract charges billable" and move on with our lives?
April 30th, 2020, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Suppressing a warning about over-used hours means that the user/technician should remember to mark the Charge as billable in order the customer will pay for the extra hours - otherwise - you might lose billing hours.

In case the Contract block is used, you can mark it as completed, so new Tickets will not be created under this Contract and the System Global Contract will be used instead (or Account default Contract, if set). This way the Charges will be set a Billable and no warning will pop.

In case you wish to keep logging hours against this contract, but do not wish to use another contract or charge for the extra hours (i.e. the Billable flag) then this message will keep reminding about the overage, there's no way to disable it at this point. Note taken.

Hope this helps.
May 2nd, 2020, 09:37 AM
Posts: 1,146
If we complete the contract, then the only one left is the global which is generic doesn't include any of the information in their monthly contract (SLA, discounts, etc)

Account default contracts do not automatically switch to the new auto generated monthly contracts each month. We have to manually switch the default at the beginning of each month which is time consuming.

We wish to keep using the contact that is out of hours. We want an option to make all future charges billable after the existing hours are expired.

Some little notice like "Contact is over hours, would you like to make all future charges billable" Say yes and it stops bothering you. Say no and it reminds you each time like it does now.

CommitCRM would save us a lot of time if it worked like this. We wouldn't have to make as many contacts. Our reports would more accurate with total hours on a single monthly contact. We would not have to remember to include all the "overage" contracts in the report the clients requests about how many actual hours we spend on them.
May 4th, 2020, 06:56 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Your idea to show notice re overage charges is noted.

Regarding setting the default Contract for Account - for recurring Contracts you should select the option 'Set the selected contract SERIES as a default...'
Once this option is set for the Account the currently active Contract from this series will be automatically selected.

Hope this helps.
May 5th, 2020, 11:30 AM
Posts: 1,146
That may help, thanks!

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