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April 29th, 2020, 08:32 AM
Posts: 5
So I've looked through the online documentation but I can't find anything on this particular subject, we use email templates from the desktop application constantly but we've had to start working remotely so I've transitioned into using the web app 100%, but the one thing I can't seem to find is the ability to pull email templates or launch emails from the web side of things, is this possible?
April 29th, 2020, 10:44 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

While using the Web app, you can reply to the customer by using the 'Quick Reply' button in the Ticket details page or by replying to specific email messages from the Ticket History tab as shown on the sample below.
In both cases the built-in window will be opened to type the reply and it will be sent through Email Connector.

Hope this helps.

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