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Performance of the GFI link management

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    Performance of the GFI link management

    We see terrible performance when using the Asset -> Device Link Manager for GFI MAX. To simply open the Manage takes about 5-10 mins, during which time CommitCRM is Not Responding. Then if you, for instance, unlink a device, it then reloads the entire list, which takes another 5-10 mins.

    What can be done to improve the performance? Would the SQL Database license make any difference in this scenario?

    Re: Performance of the GFI link management

    Thank you for posting this.

    Using RangerMSP with the SQL backend is always recommended, however, while I assume it may help here I'm not sure whether it would be anything significant because we suspect that the slowness might be related to loading the list of devices from the file downloaded from Solarwinds/MaxFocus RMM.
    Your report has already been forwarded to our lab, we will review the Asset > Device Link Manager and will try to see how we can improve it when dealing will a lot of data.

    For what it's worth, the Asset can be unlinked from an RMM device using the option in the Assets window as shown below:

    Hope this helps.

