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November 9th, 2018, 06:56 AM
Posts: 5
Just upgraded to v20, and still trying to fully understand when and how to properly use the recurring charges, which is very useful addition, btw.

So, my question is - can we add recurring charges to a contract?

For example: I set a new MSP contract in CommitCRM that has renewal date a year from now. Then add all agreed charges as monthly recurring.
That way, we don't have a new "contract" every month.
Since our clients sign an MSP contract that lasts 1/2/3yrs, or more, with monthly billing (adjusted by # of seats/computers/etc), that would be the closest implementation of actual contract.
November 9th, 2018, 07:30 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thanks for your input. Great that you find recurring Charges to be useful!

Well, yes, this is an option, you can configure a Recurring Charge and link it to Contact and it'll add a new Charge under the very same contract each month.

This may work well with non-block contracts (renewing a block contract for another month reinitialize it).
November 9th, 2018, 09:04 AM
Posts: 5
Thanks, this is helpful.

Now, just one more question - when setting Reccurence for Charge Template, how to select the last day in a month?
Currently, for "Monthly - day in month" we can pick a number, 1-31, so not sure what happens if I set it at 31st day of the month. Is Charge still going to be generated on months with 30 or 28/29 days?
November 9th, 2018, 10:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Good question! Day 31 is considered 'end of month' and the system will treat it as such.

Hope this helps.
December 8th, 2018, 09:39 AM
Posts: 16
I like the recurring charge feature. We have multiple customer service contracts that will be expired in every 2 or 3 years. How can I configure CommitCRM in such condition?
December 10th, 2018, 06:06 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for posting this. You can link a recurring Charge template to a Contract series, instead of a specific Contract. This way, the recurring Charge will be created under the then-latest Contract in the series.

Hope this helps.

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