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Filter Contact

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    Filter Contact

    I want to filter the list of accounts who do not have a main email address (email 1) but who have contacts with email addresses.
    I cannot find the contact email address to filter by?


    Re: Filter Contact

    Filtering Accounts by Email1 field will also filter Secondary Contacts by this field.

    However in order to build a filter that will cross-link between Accounts and their Contacts, you may need to use our API, specifically ODBC. You can, for example, connect to the database using MS Access and built such complex query there.

    In the RangerMSP application you can set a filter in the Accounts window with a condition 'Email Address 1' is ' Empty' to get a list of records without Email1. Then you can select to not show secondary contacts using an 'All types' drop down.

    Please note that Secondary Contact records are very similar to Accounts but with a limited fields set. Technically speaking, in the database contact records have the same structure as Accounts and are saved in the same table.

    Let us know in case you need additional assistance with ODBC.

