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January 23rd, 2016, 12:26 PM
Posts: 10
I discovered a bug in your sales tax calculations
I use WA State Sales tax of 7.9%

Here is an example of the rounding error from CommitCRM
The item total is $65
WA State Tax 7.9% $5.13
Total $70.13

Using a Sharp Elsimate EL-334T calculator with +TAX and -TAX buttons
The item total is $65
WA State Tax 7.9% $5.135
Total $70.135
The customer will pay $70.14

65 X 1.079 = 5.135
65 + 5.135 = 70.135
The correct total for the customer is $70.14

We only really display pennies, so with proper rounding, here is the corrected calculation that CommitCRM should display:
The item total is $65
WA State Tax 7.9% $5.14
Total $70.14

CommitCRM is causing me to undercharge some customers by a penny. Your programming error only happens when the total has a 5 in the third digit past the decimal point. In computer programming, you are supposed to round up to the next penny when you have .005 cents

Rounding to the Nearest Cent

Please have you programmers fix this bug
January 25th, 2016, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

We checked the sample you provided and could not reproduce the same calculation. We can confirm that rounding in RangerMSP is performed exactly as you expected it to be, i.e. $70.135 are rounded to $70.14 - you can see a sample Quote with total and tax you listed.

In case we missed anything, please let us know where exactly you found such incorrect calculations and attach a screenshot. You can also contact us directly by email (support @) and reveal any real financial statements.

Hope this helps.

January 25th, 2016, 10:35 AM
Posts: 10
I see the incorrect total only on the "Technician Service Form Including Charges1" form that I print. Other places in the program are correct.

How do I attach the screenshot? I cannot find any attach button when posting
January 25th, 2016, 11:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It looks fine for us here. Please email the sample directly to us for review. Thanks.
January 25th, 2016, 11:07 AM
Posts: 10
OK I sent it by email, thanks
January 26th, 2016, 08:33 AM
Posts: 478
I'm not sure if this has any bearing or not but I have had issues with totals in CommitCRM not matching totals in Quickbooks. It's been years since I looked into it and I have just moved to make sure the customer is working off of the amount in QB since that is what needs to be paid.

I believe it came down to being related to either CommitCRM or QB calculating the sales tax individually per item then totaling each of those as the sales tax amount. The other way of doing this is to add up the price of all of the items and calculate the sales tax one time based on that total.

I'm not sure which system did what but I believe that's where my problem came from. It would be nice not to have to have that problem though.
February 7th, 2016, 10:26 AM
Posts: 10
I have narrowed down the problem and exactly how to reproduce it. Email support has examined my claim, then confirmed this is a bug and said they will work on a fix.

I can reproduce it with the system report "Technician Service Form Including Charges1"

I find that the problem only happens when there are multiple items on the system report "Technician Service Form Including Charges1"

Try this to duplicate the problem:
Set tax to 7.9%

If I select $65 labor and no parts the total comes out correct $70.14
If I select one $65 part and no labor the total comes out correct $70.14
If I select one $30 part and one $35 part the total comes out one
penny short $70.13
If I select one $30 labor and one $35 part the total comes out one
penny short $70.13

Also I can reproduce it with a $170 labor charge and a $35 labor charge.
The totals are $221.20 but the "Technician Service Form Including Charges1" show $221.19

Other forms like quotes and quick totals shown in the program seem to be fine.
February 26th, 2016, 09:21 AM
Posts: 478
Looks like I can duplicate it with a single charge item (Labor, expense or part).

Charge of $25.00 and a sales tax rate of 5.1% should give a total of $26.28

Technician Service Form Including Charges1 shows the following.....
Charge $25.00
Tax (5.1%) $1.27
Total $26.27

The tax should calculate to $1.275 and round up to $1.28 but doesn't on this form.

The Show Listed Charge Totals button on the ticket does correctly round the sales tax and give a correct total but the techs print out the form and thats what the customer signs off on and typically pays off of.

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