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July 8th, 2015, 06:49 AM
Posts: 7
Loving the new web interface. Can I log a feature request?

On the web interface, assets page, it would be nice if we could sort the columns, filter by type, and search within the asset list for a particular item.

If there are already ways to accomplish this, please point me in the right direction. It is possible I have not run across them yet.
July 8th, 2015, 08:25 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this and for your feedback :-)

We assume that you refer to the Assets list/tab under specific Account while the list in the tab cannot be sorted when the tab holds more than 20 Assets for the Account you should see a 'Show More' link on the right bottom corner of the of the tab/page. This link will open the Assets list for this Account in a new page where it can be freely sorted and you may use the Browser page text search to locate the data you're after.

In case you referred to the main Assets list then in that case you can already search for Assets, filter by their type, sort by columns and also filter by specific Account. So as an alternative you can filter that page by Account and then search/sort Assets list.

Hope this helps.
July 8th, 2015, 06:23 PM
Posts: 7
Yes, I was referring to the asset list within the account. Thanks for steering me in the right direction.

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