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June 5th, 2015, 02:03 AM
Posts: 3
Hi Guys,

Thanks for having a forum with such helpful people around :)
This may have been covered but I have searched and cant find anything.

We are finding a lot of the tickets we send out are being blocked as spam.
Tracking stuff down through our exchange (and CommitCRM) I can see that CommitCRM is replacing the subject line, but it keeps doing it until the subject line is so huge all we have is Re: Re: Re:

For example -
RE: Re Disabling Remote access - URGENT New Service Ticket Created - 0500-4124 Re Disabling Remote access - URGENT<BR>Could you please disable one of our users - USERNAME - Position- effective immediately please.<BR><BR>Many thanks<BR><BR>[c...

As you can see, its also adding the <BR> statements etc which Outlook doesn't seem to like.

I can provide further logs/CommitCRM setup if required, but would love to have this fixed as our clients are getting a little annoyed at the massively long subjects CommitCRM seems to be sending out.

Thanks again in advance for your help/suggestions.
June 5th, 2015, 06:12 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

It seems like the Email Template in use is configured to include the entire Ticket Description field as part of the Subject line.

The description field is a free text field that is unlimited in length. It's also a memo type field that supports line breaks etc.
Therefore, it should not be used as part of the Email Subject line as it might create issues.

Also, as the Description field is a multi line field and is to be included in the Email Body, <BR>s (new lines) are automatically inserted to represent line breaks in the source field.

Hope this helps!

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