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Simple search site help

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    Re: Simple search site help

    Dim config As CommitCRM.Config

    config = New CommitCRM.Config
    config.AppName = "CommitWebITF"
    config.CommitDllFolder = "\\...\...\CommitCRM\ThirdParty\UserDev"
    config.CommitDbFolder = "\\...\...\CommitCRM\Db\"

    This is my setup and it was working just fine till yesterday. Verified that there were no changes to permissions, etc.


      Re: Simple search site help

      All looks good. As it was working it has to be related to a change that was made, of some sort. Unfortunately this is not something we can probably help with... please do update here once you find the cause. Thanks!


        Re: Simple search site help

        The error I am getting is "Unable to load DLL 'CmtDbQry.dll': The specified module could not be found" I am running this from a webserver on the same network as the CommitCRM application. I verify that the DLL exists in the given path. Any thoughts?


          Re: Simple search site help

          This is all external and related to your configuration so it's hard to say. Our guess is permissions where your program, or the user it runs under, does not have the privileges to access the folder or the dll file itself over the network. Please try to first make it work locally on the server and only then try to see how it goes with running it from other machines on your network pointing to the dll on the server.

          Hope this helps.


            Re: Simple search site help

            Issue was found and I am once again connecting, however I am still having issues with the enumLink.linkOR.

            Dim ticketSearch1 As New CommitCRM.ObjectQuery(Of Ticket)(CommitCRM.LinkEnum.linkOR)

            ticketSearch1.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Descriptio n, OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
            ticketSearch1.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Resolution , OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
            ticketSearch1.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Notes, OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
            The quantify this, there is a ticket with monkey in the Description and Resolution but not in Notes. When I test the results I get nothing. If I comment the AddCriteria for notes I get the result I expected.

            I have scoured the web for information on AddCriteria and/or LinkEnum.linkOR and can find NOTHING. Any help is appreciated or a push to find out more info on AddCriteria or linkOR.


              Re: Simple search site help

              Thanks for posting. Apparently you'll need to apply the following fix to the VB.NET API version that you have, this should resolve this issue:

              In the file QueryCommand.vb, the function at line 14:

              Protected Sub New(ByVal dataKind As DataKind, ByVal linkEnum As LinkEnum, ByVal nMaxRecordCount As Integer)

              objWhere_ = New CriteriaExpressionGroup(linkEnum_)
              objSort_ = New SortExpressionGroup()

              queryRequest_ = New QueryRequest(dataKind, nMaxRecordCount)
              End Sub

              should become:

              Protected Sub New(ByVal dataKind As DataKind, ByVal linkEnum As LinkEnum, ByVal nMaxRecordCount As Integer)

              linkEnum_ = linkEnum
              objWhere_ = New CriteriaExpressionGroup(linkEnum_)
              objSort_ = New SortExpressionGroup()

              queryRequest_ = New QueryRequest(dataKind, nMaxRecordCount)
              End Sub


                Re: Simple search site help

                That didn't work, and actually broke the search completely. No return results at all.
                Below is my code for this search.

                Imports CommitCRM
                Imports System.Data.SqlClient
                Imports System.Configuration
                Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
                Imports System.Web.UI

                Partial Class _Default
                Inherits Page

                Private SearchString As String = ""

                Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

                End Sub

                Public Sub cSearchbtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cSearchbtn.Click
                SearchString = Ctxt.Value.ToString()

                Dim ticketSearch As New CommitCRM.ObjectQuery(Of Ticket)(CommitCRM.LinkEnum.linkOR)
                Dim HistorySearch As New CommitCRM.ObjectQuery(Of HistoryNote)(CommitCRM.LinkEnum.linkOR)
                Dim tickets As New List(Of CommitCRM.Ticket)
                Dim history As New List(Of CommitCRM.HistoryNote)

                ticketSearch.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Description , OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
                ticketSearch.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Resolution, OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
                ticketSearch.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Notes, OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
                ticketSearch.AddSortExpression(Ticket.Fields.DueDa te, SortDirectionEnum.sortDESC)
                If tickets.Count > 0 Then
                For Each tic In ticketSearch.FetchObjects()
                HistorySearch.AddCriteria(HistoryNote.Fields.RelLi nkREC_ID, CommitCRM.OperatorEnum.opEqual, tic.TicketREC_ID)
                For Each hNote In HistorySearch.FetchObjects()
                histNotes.DataSource = history
                End If

                rptTicket.DataSource = tickets

                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
                SearchString = ""
                End Sub

                End Class


                  Re: Simple search site help

                  We cannot debug this source code. Please ignore the change suggestion then and roll back any change you performed to the library.
                  Things will work as they have before and instead of querying using the OR condition run three separate searches, merge the resultset into one (e.g. merge the three list of RECIDs into one) and then fetch the relevant ticket records. This will actually implement the OR condition in a different, kinda longer, way though it should work well.


                    Re: Simple search site help

                    Again Thanks for your support. I am finally coming back to this project and have since moved some of the config from the Global.aspx to the CommitCRM dll, primarily the config info. Am I missing something? When I attempt a connection it is not returning anything and then giving me a NULL reference error.

                    DLL (config.vb) private information removed
                    Public Class Config
                    Public AppName As String = "CommitCrm"
                    Public CommitDllFolder As String = "\\...\CommitCRM\ThirdParty\UserDev\"
                    Public CommitDbFolder As String = "\\...\CommitCRM\Db\"
                    Public InitCommitApiDll As Boolean = True
                    Public InitCommitQryDll As Boolean = True
                    Public Params As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, String))
                    Public RaiseExceptionIfDatabaseFieldTruncated As Boolean = False
                    Public DbEngPassword As String = ""
                    Public DbQryPassword As String = ""
                    Public UseWebAPI As Boolean = False
                    Public WebAPIUrl As String = ""
                    End Class
                    End Namespace
                    search vb
                    'Commit Database
                    Dim ticketSearch As New CommitCRM.ObjectQuery(Of CommitCRM.Ticket)(LinkEnum.linkOR)
                    Dim tickets As New List(Of CommitCRM.Ticket)
                    'Add Search Criteria
                    ticketSearch.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Description , OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
                    ticketSearch.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Resolution, OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
                    ticketSearch.AddCriteria(Ticket.Fields.Notes, OperatorEnum.opLike, "%" & SearchString & "%")
                    ticketSearch.AddSortExpression(Ticket.Fields.DueDa te, SortDirectionEnum.sortDESC)

                    For Each tic In ticketSearch.FetchObjects()
                    I get to this stage when the NULLReference error is thrown. Can you see anything that I am missing or have backwards? That will at least allow me to know the connection coding is solid and I can focus my troubleshooting elsewhere. I'm not getting the "cannot access *.dll errors so I am assuming the connection is good but something else is the issue.



                      Re: Simple search site help

                      From a quick review it seems to be in order, however, it's hard to tell, it might be related to privileges accessing the folders, something in your RAD setup and plenty of other stuff. Maybe you can start from scratch and follow the exact and detailed samples, accessed from API page.


                        Re: Simple search site help

                        Thanks. At least I know the coding is good on the CommitCRM portion. I'll come back with questions and answer when I get it.



                          Re: Simple search site help

                          Back to working on this. I have been able to get all aspects working, however the return is unbearably slow. If I create a linked server and use that connection then the resultset return is almost instantaneous and I also get a more consistent dataset. However I frequently run out of users using this method (assumed as I can log off a user and the page starts working again). So two questions.
                          1- Can I somehow limit to one user when using ODBC connections
                          2- Is there a way to use a SQL query with the API. (not finding it in the WIKI). I would be willing to use the API if I can use a query and improve the speeds I get when using it.


                            Re: Simple search site help

                            Thank you for the update. What do you refer by linked-server?
                            Also, the API itself converts your query into SQL.

                            If you query with the API then our main tip would be to select which fields you want to query, as when you do not it uses * (e.g. all fields from all related tables of the item your querying, like tickets).

                            For example, here is how you could fetch the accounts for only two fields:

                            lstAccounts = objQuery.FetchObjects(RangerMSP.Account.Fields.Acc ountREC_ID.Key + "," + RangerMSP.Account.Fields.FileAs.Key)

                            So, basically you need to pass a comma separated string with the field names that you need access to.

                            Hope this helps.


                              Re: Simple search site help

                              a linked server is something used in SQL Server to link to a remote database and still use in queries on the local database instance. For me at least they seem to perform better than a direct ODBC connection in .net, but again I am a .net novice. But as I mentioned we seem to be running out of users when using the search. The server also says that we have 4 fewer users than what we purchased.


                                Re: Simple search site help

                                Thank you. From what we can tell you use SQL and have up to 10 concurrent database connections. Each machine or remote session that connects to the database consumes a single connection and this includes ODBC connections. In case you do not free the connection some might get wasted.

                                In case you wish to discuss this specific issue further please email us directly and this has stuff to do with licensing.


