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Email notifications to Customers

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    Email notifications to Customers

    RangerMSP User Question*

    Is there a way to include some additional ticket description in the subject of system generated emails? The customer is seeking something more than just the ticket number in the subject line that he can more easily see what the ticket is all about from subject line only. Is that something that can be updated to include additional fields/text?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Email notifications to Customers


    Yes, email notifications sent to customers (aka Alerts) are based on the Email Templates feature and as such are fully customizable and this includes customizing what is listed on the email subject, its body as well as the optional PDF form that you can attach to the notification

    In addition, there is an option to select the format to be used when a customer email is automatically converted into a new ticket in RangerMSP and an auto response is sent to the customer, this can be set using the ServerConfig utility - the Email Connector tab.

    Click to learn about Email Templates and about how to configure the Alerts to Customers feature.

