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Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

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    Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

    Hi guys,

    Quite a big one for us. We use the email to ticket connector heavily, but we require the ticket description to only be the subject of the email, not the subject and the body of the email.

    We have a few different reasons for this, Interlink not supporting certain characters that are ending up in the ticket description from the HTML email is one of them, the appearance of our automatic responses and trying to integrate ticket descriptions is another, but overall we would prefer it to be a one line type thing.

    You are already applying the subject as the first line and then the body, so we imagine changing this would not be hard.

    Can we ask for it to be a feature request for the next version, or if it is possible to modify a dll and send it to us or change an ini file somewhere can we ask you assist with this ASAP?

    Currently we are having to manually modify them and at over 250 new tickets a week with most of them coming in as emails, it is becoming tiring.


    Re: Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

    The body of incoming emails is usually considered to be very important to our users when their customers are sending emails describing the problems and issues they have in the email body.

    Therefore - we do not consider excluding the body text of the customer incoming email from the ticket being created automatically from this email.

    Also, in regards to Interlink - if they have a bug then, well, they should fix it :-)

    For what it worth we do not use any character from the HTML part of the email body in the Ticket Description. The only body text that we use for the Ticket is taken from the internal text/plain part of the email message, and this part does not include any special HTML character.

    Unless we're missing something here we recommend that you revisit this.

    Hope this makes sense and helps.


      Re: Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

      Of course, we consider it important as well, but as the email is added to the ticket we can reference it that way and keep descriptions small and neat, especially if a customer forwards us a chain of 10 emails about something.

      I agree with the interlink remark but as I mentioned there are other reasons for it as well.

      I hope you will still consider the request.


        Re: Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector


        I understand about needing to "cleanup" ticket descriptions, but I think not putting anything there except the subject would be a bit of a stretch.

        I would prefer rich text/HTML support in the ticket description,resolution, and notes fields.


          Re: Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

          We totally understand the issue... what we currently do is add a single line at the top of he description box followed by a carraige return, a line with a single dash and another carriage return (e.g.):

          Beth is unable to print to the main printer
          Hi there... when you get a chance can you take a look at my computer, I'm not able to print to the main copier (I get some type of pop up error).

          Tgif! :)


          The advantage here is that we can quickly see the issue in pretty much any screen (especially ticket lists!) but we don't lose the body (the important stuff).

          So with this, I would like to suggest to Commit that we have the option (a check box perhaps) in the email connector to "pre-pend the subject to the description with an added demarc line".

          This sure would make ticket descriptions much (and I do mean much!) easier to work with!




            Re: Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

            for clarity, what we end up seeing from the above entry (in the ticket list) would be:
            Beth is unable to print to the main printer - Hi there... when you get a chance...




              Re: Feature Request - Email to Ticket Connector

              Ipopejoy, we were hoping for the option. If we have to cleanup ticket descriptions it would be easier to just modify a single subject line if the customer didn't already get it right, rather than remove pages of text.

              Raymond, we do similar, but most of the time remove the entire body from there. Like I said if a customer forwards us a conversation they have had with someone else first and are no where near what the real issue is, it makes for a big and pointless description. I agree with you an option to control the behaviour is all we are after.

              We have designed HTML emails for closure, opening,responding, following up, etc and we like to put the ticket description in these formatted emails. We work around it, but of course a three page email chain in the description is not what we are after in these templates.

              Commit, as you guys already add the subject and then the body, which I assume is an x + y, we were hoping for an option to have x, y or x+y.


