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August 25th, 2013, 05:14 PM
Posts: 1,146
Back when we had only a few licenses upgrading was a non issue. Now that we have many more upgrading can get costly.

A few of the last upgrades i felt were not "worth" the cost. Sure they added new features, but none that we couldn't live without. While some we really want continue to not be implemented.

CommitCRM is a great program, and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I wanted to get other uses who have upgraded opinion if the cost is worth it before we purchase it.
September 18th, 2013, 03:09 PM
Posts: 1,146
No words of wisdom?
October 16th, 2013, 02:56 PM
Posts: 242
For us there's been very little noteworthy for some time and things that would be great for us asked about years ago aren't going anywhere. The primary thing for us is a full upgrade and improvement to the web interface, making it totally mobile friendly as well. In this day and age of mobile devices it's a complete joke the web interface has changed very little in years. That's why we bought Interlink but I have little faith in the ongoing development and support of it either. I've pretty much given up asking for CommitCRM features that never appear despite forum support. I'd love to see things like a reminder / tracking system for tracking key things like renewal dates of various services, and I still find the contract system complicated and time consuming. outlook syncing is still clumsy too.
October 16th, 2013, 10:14 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you. We will keep this in mind. Everything we include is always based on feedback from our users. The entire (huge) list of new features added by release can be found here. Have a look.
October 16th, 2013, 10:26 PM
Posts: 242
I know, I've seen it, you always say that. So theres a vast amount of users out there who aren't on the forums, asking for the same things that nobody on the forums asks for, while things requested for years sit idle.

don't get me wrong, I love CommitCRM. I just get a bit over the cheery standard support response of "thanks for your comments, your request has been noted." And i understand you have priorities and limited staff etc etc. But it still feels a lot of the time commit devs go in the direction they want to go and surprising new features that nobody on the forum asked for appear. As I say, I guess a lot of customers send you emails asking for the same thing that nobody on the forum thinks of needing.
October 19th, 2013, 08:29 AM
Posts: 1,146
The situation reminds me of groupon when they wouldnt tell investors how many companies ran deals more than once. It was the biggest elephant in the room.

Commit says they have this "list" of features people want and they give priority to the ones with the most votes, but we never see this list. We never get to see the votes either.

It would be 10000% easier to let registered users vote and see the results. Then we would know who wants what. We dont even have to see the names of the voters, just know when we vote for something it ticks up by one.

I was doing a demo of the accounting software called XERO and their voting system was beautiful. Each registered member got to vote on 10 things. When a feature was picked up by the dev's for implementation, you got your vote back and could apply it somewhere else.

This ensured you put your votes on your top priorities, and didnt just vote on everything you thought would be nice. If something was high on the list, but very hard to do, they would explain why this would take some time, but would take it into consideration.

Here, we just get the "Thank you. We will keep this in mind. Everything we include is always based on feedback from our users."

Doesn't make us feel like our voices are heard.
October 21st, 2013, 06:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
We love the discussions that run in the forums and encourage them. Unfortunately only a small fraction of our user base is using them, so the bigger picture of requirements is, unfortunately, not found in the forums.

Also, if you will carefully review all forum requests over the years you will find out that the majority of new features have been included in new editions of RangerMSP.

Does this mean that all have been implemented? Definitely not.
Does this mean that there are items that have been requested and still haven't been implemented? Yes, there are.
Can we implement any idea that is posted in the forums or discussed with us otherwise? No.

However, We try to be responsive to users requests and we normally are.

We appreciate your suggestion about using a voting system. Thanks!

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