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May 23rd, 2008, 12:45 PM
Posts: 7
We are investigating using the Outlook Integration module, and wanted to see if any exisiting users had feedback on it. We have been using CommitCRM for over a month; and have a registered version, but unfortunatly can't add a trial to the registered version.

Anyone else have a before/after scenario; or are presntly using the integration? Does it help with the tech workflow and their mobile devices?

Any feedback is appreciated.

May 23rd, 2008, 03:43 PM
Posts: 27
The Outlook Integration works well.. We synchronise to our Exchange Server and then onto our Windows Mobile devices... When we are out in the field, we can look up appointment details, client contact details etc.. from our PDA's... We can also place appointments into our PDA's and it flows back into the CommitCRM calendar...

May 23rd, 2008, 04:23 PM
Posts: 1
I licensed the Outlook module some time ago but don't use it because I connect remotely to the office for access to CommitCRM CRM and all the information is there and I update at the same time. It doesn't fit the way I work.
I also don't want to sync the contacts fully withCommitCRM.
Most importantly the main profile I use in Outlook - when I use it is IMAP for Google Apps and most of the time I just use online Gmail that provides sorting and searching of mail better than what Outlook 2003 or 2007 provides.
If I mainly used Outlook with standard pop and smtp ports I would probably use it. As it is I don't use it at all. Since I don't create tickets from emails I can't speak for that part of it.
Everytime I try to use Outlook more I realize how much more functional Gmail is.
May 24th, 2008, 08:17 AM
Posts: 43
CommitCRM Outlook Sync works well for us. We also use it to sync our PDA's with CommitCRM and it saves us tons of time.
May 27th, 2008, 12:01 PM
Posts: 7
Thanks for the feedback. How do you hamdle the manual re-synching for the mobile users? It's my understanding you have a to have a machinde dedicated to doing this.
May 27th, 2008, 12:27 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi clearfuze,

When you are out on the road, and wish to sync with Outlook so you will receive updates to your PDA, you can approach this in two ways:

1. Use the Sync Other Users Data option. This Outlook-sync option allows a single user to sync for other RangerMSP users. Each user should allow others to sync for them (from Tools > Options > Outlook), and then the other user can activate the option Tools > Synchronize Outlook > Sync Other Users Data.

2. Use the Auto-Sync option. The RangerMSP-Outlook Sync allows you to set an automated sync for your own user for this session (from Tools > Synchronize Outlook > Auto Sync). This requires to leave a running RangerMSP Client running on one of your office computers so it will sync your data with Outlook, and the updates will be pushed to your PDA.

Syncing with you PDA is quite powerful as you can stay updated when out of the office, update appointments on your PDA. You can then push the updates back to RangerMSP by syncing when back in the office. The next step is creating Charges out of these Appointments, where the updated Appointment description will be automatically copied to the Charge. This way you can log the work performed directly on your PDA, and easily turn this into billable charges.

I hope this helps.


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