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May 20th, 2008, 02:31 PM
Posts: 1
Is there a way to use everest or another software that when working with a clients pc you could have the system info entered into CommitCRM via a database upload. I know everest can send the data to a database, would the odbc connector for CommitCRM allow this?
May 20th, 2008, 02:57 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can add asset information to the RangerMSP database in two ways:

1. You can import Asset information into RangerMSP using the Tools > Import & Export > Import Assets tools. This allows you to import information from various file formats, such as Excel, CSV, etc. If you can export the asset information from another system, you can import it into RangerMSP this way.

2. Using the RangerMSP API - RangerMSP provides a programming API which allows you to add and update information into the RangerMSP database. You can use the programming API from various programming languages, and write your own program which updates the assets in the database.

Note that we also provide an ODBC Link, however, this is strictly for pulling information from the database purposes, rather than updating the database.

I hope this helps.


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