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May 7th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Posts: 10
Our normal process is to do the following for Tickets.
1) Create ticket
2) Create Pending Appointment
3) Create Charge from Appointment
4) DONE the appointment
5) Input ticket resolution
6) Complete the ticket

The problem I ran across is when going to an account, I have a pending appointment that is not assigned to a ticket. I am not sure if this was a duplicate or should have been part of a ticket to be billed. I am assuming it was probably a mistake.

So the question is, how can I see all my pending appointments even if they are not part of a ticket?

May 8th, 2013, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for asking.

Generally, once an Appointment was mark as Done it is removed from Account and Ticket Pending tabs.

Now I understand that you want to locate other Appointments that are not Done (yet) -

While looking at the Calendar Appointments that were done are marked with 'V' so you know which are Done and which are still Pending (you can also see in the the Appointments list tab in the Calendar).
You also have the option to highlight charged / not charged Appointments using the 'Highlight Charged' button on the toolbar. Besides, you can generate Calendar Report and select to show only Appointments that are 'Not Done'.

Hope this helps.

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