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April 12th, 2013, 01:12 PM
Posts: 201
Would anyone have some MS Access reports they would like to share? I'm having a real challenge getting presentable reports out ofCommitCRM. I'm looking for Ticket Problem, Resolution and Charges with details. The reports I am trying to work with have the notes and details jumbled up in a four inch box that scrolls upto a half page if a techinican is diligent about entering detailed work descriptions. I know I can fuss with it, but believe I would have more control with Access or Crystal Reports. I haven't had the need for Crystal for years and its very expensive, but Access comes with the Microsoft Partner program and seems like a viable solution to have some modern client facing reports. Frankly I have been hesitent to present these reports to clients but now I have two nice accounts that are demanding this. No offence, but I don't want to hand them a bunch of schlockey looking printouts. Hey while I am on the report subject, the ability to generate HTML reports would be nice and I believe Access will due this. My ultimate goal is to be able to generate these reports for all clients with the click of a button, dump them to HTML folders for each client and be accessed in the CommitCRM client portal.
April 13th, 2013, 08:18 AM
Posts: 942
I have an mdb that might help. Email me and I'll try to get it to you next week.

Why not just give them access to the client portal? Wouldn't that be better?

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