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New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

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    New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?


    I have just opened a new shop (used to work from home part time until I ran out of space and quit my well paid programming job to work full time for myself!).

    I have been using CommitCRM which is great but now need to add both inventory and POS software. Being a programmer I could program this myself but it takes time which I dont have!

    I am wondering what everyone else uses for POS and inventory tracking and how they integrate this all withCommitCRM?

    It would be great if CommitCRM had an inventory and POS modules? Something I think I will program if I cannot find any alternatives.

    Looking forward to your replies.

    The Laptop Fixers

    Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

    i would like pos and inventory for CommitCRM too! I use Abmis for POS & Inventory, cheap too.


      Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

      I am just trialling ABMIS right now. Do you use CommitCRM for charging parts and labour or do you use ABMIS for this? I am trying to determine the best way to keep everything working together?

      The problem with the two systems not working together is if I sell for example some memory and charge labour to fit it I enter the costs in CommitCRM and give this report/bill to my customer, then to track inventory I need to duplicate this in ABMIS so I can see memory stock has been reduced. I've only just picked up ABMIS so probably missing something obvious but trying to learn new software, run a shop, repairs etc I am looking at the software every few days for a few mins. Not ideal way to learn!

      Any tips on using the two together?


        Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

        well abmis i use to track my point of sale (the shop) and i use CommitCRM for all the workshop parts, repairs etc. Then my office staff gets all the information from both and enters the figures into quickbooks.

        Workshop uses CommitCRM only
        Shop I use Abmis
        Callouts i use both Abmis and CommitCRM. - CommitCRM really keeps the data while abmis does stock taking etc.


          Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

          The Only option is really QuickBooks.


            Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

            I've developed my own system now which has all the ticketing needs tailored for use in my computer shops, POS and inventory control and will eventually have basic accounting and/or integration with either Sage or my online accounting software called Kashflow that I use. It's an all-in-one solution that works very well.

            I still use CommitCRM for some old tickets but CommitCRM is more an "all-rounder" for general ticketing and I was looking for something me geared for use in computer repairs / computer shops.

            Being an ex-software developer I hired someone to work with me to develop a better system. i.e. it asks all the relevant questions when a computer is being logged into the system (such as data backup, username/password etc that the technicians can see etc), sends automated emails / sms on job completion etc and allows me to track parts ordered for customers so nothing gets missed and gets rid of all my spreadsheets.

            Its a great system which I am adding new features to all the time. This is a good thing about being a software developer that I can just pick up the code, fix any bugs / add features when the occur in the shops.


              Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?


              Congrats for new shop.

              I am using an inventory software by for my office. You can also see this and get the detailed information.



                Re: New shop, what POS, Inventory Software do you use?

                I use QuickBooks for Accounting, CRM as my client management package, and GFI as my Remote Management and Monitoring package. All are a great combo with CRM and GFI integration.

