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Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

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    Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

    This has already been mentioned in a previous thread ( but I wanted to mention it again. The spell check in CommitCRM CRM drives me CRAZY. Even with the technical dictionary turned on I have to click ignore all like 10 - 30 times per charge to complete a spell check. I'm know I miss actual misspellings because clicking Ignore All becomes too automatic. Please, Please, Please improve this feature and allow us to have a custom dictionary.

    If it makes things any easier on your dev team, you might want to consider using the Aspell library. A few of the programs we use on a regular basis (Pidgin is one I can think of off the top of my head) use this library for their spelling and it seems to work quite well and offers all of the features most expect and appreciate in a spell checker.

    Just an idea.

    Justin Swall
    Swall's Associated Services

    Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

    Hi Justin,

    Thank you very much for your input. This is very important feedback for us.

    I've marked your comments as a feature request.

    Please keep the feedback coming.



      Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

      Thanks as always :)


        Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

        You're very welcome.



          Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

          swallservices, this is only a work around and I know you want an integrated solution. But, if you use Quickbooks for billing, like me you have to go through every new invoice to check "email" (waiting on that fix too). This isn't SOO bad as you get a last look at every invoice before they go out. I have spell check set automatic in QB so when I hit Save, it runs on the spot. And, you can add to the dictionary. :)


            Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

            ditto!!! we need to be able to add custom words. everyone here is going nuts with the ignore button (which means things are mizpelled all the time...).




              Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

              I know you can never have enough "mee too" comments in a thread like this. :)


                Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

                Want to bring this back to the forefront. What is the big deal to have a custom dictionary? Or at least put IT terms in your dictionary. This cannot be difficult to add.


                  Re: Spell Check Improvement Badly Needed

                  Noted. Thanks.

