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Dialing via Skype

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    Dialing via Skype

    This Online Service dials via Skype to a phone number or Skype username defined in Account > General > Phone1.

    You can use other fields (besides Phone 1) to hold the Skype number or username, but make sure to define a separate Online Service for this and update the field passed to Skype:
    1. Import the attached Online Service.
    2. Double-click the Online Service to edit it and change the URL Parameter <CMTLBLDATA_FLDCRDPHONE1> to the field you want to use.

    The RangerMSP Team

    Disclaimer - Before importing the Online Service you should read the terms of use for each web site you want to access. The attached is an example of an Online Service demonstrating how to use online services and how to pass parameters to the relevant Web site. We cannot guarantee that the Online Service will always work as each Web site has the right to change the way they work.
    Attached Files

    Re: Dialing via Skype

    Is there anyway to get this to work without having to put the international dialling code at the front of the number? UK numbers are in the following format: 01159123123 but the only way I can get this to work is to put international dialling code at the front of the number and remove the original 0 so the number looks like this: 00441159123123. If I use Skype normally I can just dial without the international code.




      Re: Dialing via Skype


      Thank you for asking this.

      Here's what you may try to do - open the Online Services management Window, select the Skype dialing Online Service and double click it to open its properties.

      You'll see a "callto://" as the main URL and "<CMTLBLDATA_FLDCRDPHONE1>" as the parameter.
      Try adding 0044 before the parameter token, this way it'll automatically add the international prefix without you needing to store it as part of the phone number itself (remove it from your Accounts phone numbers).

      I can't see how you can removing the leading zero from the number so maybe you should simply not store it in RangerMSP and all will probably work well (when you need to dial it manually you'll know to dial the leading zero).



        Re: Dialing via Skype

        That worked perfectly, thanks! It actually worked leaving the leading 0 in place too so problem solved. ;)


          Re: Dialing via Skype

          Perfect! Thanks for the update.


            Re: Dialing via Skype

            can one be made for Elastix Voip system FreePBX?


              Re: Dialing via Skype

              I'm not familiar with their service, buy any service on the Web that can be called simply by applying a URL with some parameters can probably be configured.

              More general information on how to configure Online Services in RangerMSP can be found here.



                Re: Dialing via Skype

                When attempting to import this to 6.0, I get the attached error.

                Any help?
                Attached Files


                  Re: Dialing via Skype

                  This error might be related to privileges or that an Anti-Virus that interrupts (which may be the case as you downloaded a file from the Internet).

                  1. Privileges - all users must have all privileges and all access rights to all files under the entire 'RangerMSP' folder tree.
                  The error codes indicate that there is a problem with privileges or access rights to the RangerMSP files.

                  2. Anti-Virus - White list the entire 'RangerMSP' folder tree from anti-virus real time scanning + the file/folder where the downloaded file is saved in.

                  Let us know how it goes.


                    Re: Dialing via Skype

                    I have install the dialing skype , but when pressing phone1 the windows default phone dialler pops out , what i am doing wrong



                      Re: Dialing via Skype

                      You can dial with Skype using the Online Services feature. Please see the first post in this thread.

