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Delete all custommade database fields

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    Delete all custommade database fields


    It is possible to delete all custom made fields entirely from CommitCRM and from the database?
    Something like a factory reset, soo I can create all fields from scratch.

    (the real problem is, when creating a new custom field, I created different subjects for the fields, but the field list-viewer is to small to view my subjects (shows only the start of it)

    Also, some fields have been created in under the wrong subject or is a wrong type.

    Re: Delete all custommade database fields

    Update - I can see that new features is available for this in CommitCRM 6.1

    But the field list-viewer is still too small to view my subjects


      Re: Delete all custommade database fields

      While in theory it should be possible it requires working on your database in our lab for some time. This is because custom fields in RangerMSP are not external but rather RangerMSP consider them to be a part of the system - lets you include them in reports, filters, tabs, pages, etc. and therefore custom fields are embedded in many different places of the application and its database. It will be much more realistic for you to manually delete the fields. Even if it'll take you 15 minutes or 30 minutes it'll be easier and quicker.

