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November 8th, 2012, 05:20 PM
Posts: 38
Hi - installed ver 6, trying out Quotes; found that only labor items that I had previously created specifically for Contracts are showing up, none of the other normal imported QB Labor items are there. I'm sure it's just a check mark box somewhere to fix - appreciate any ideas. Thank you!

Aaron Barnes
November 8th, 2012, 06:52 PM
Posts: 942
Only unit based labor items can be used on quotes - not time based. I know... I find that a little frustrating too...
November 8th, 2012, 10:34 PM
Posts: 38
Thank you lpopejoy for the heads up. So.. *scratching head* um, a guess a plausible workaround is to create same labor item (with name slightly different) but as a 'unit' instead of as a 'hour'?

Disappointed here as well by that, going to create duplicate labor items just for the sake of being able to use the 'quotes'. Ha, feel like I'm using Apple's new mapping system. No offense intended to the developers / programmers, just really feels like something that wasn't thought all the way through for the end users. Awesome idea (really the only reason I upgraded) but the actual use of it leaves one wanting. Am going back to using QB estimates.
November 9th, 2012, 04:11 AM
Posts: 942
I created an item called "labor" and just use it for project labor. It works OK.

IMO, the value of having all of your activities for an account easily asescible under the respective tab of an account far out ways the inadequacies of the quoting module.

Also, the beauty of doing a quote, which can then be directly converted to a ticket is great. Greatly enhances workflow and increases accuracy by reducing double entry.

...any all that to say... Every piece of software is going to have some annoyances. For crm to be effective it has to be used. So I would say pick one that you can live with and then just overlook the "nuances" (or beg/bribe the developers to fix them). ;)
November 9th, 2012, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks guys. Well, I can't say much on this except for hinting that 6.1 is coming :)

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