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November 2nd, 2012, 09:21 AM
Posts: 1
I have "linked" crystal report writer to CommitCRM via Advantage and ODBC.

To extract an employee name out of the ticket fields, the only applicable field is WORKERID but instead of returning a name it returns a code ID for that employee. I cannot reference that ID number to his name. This is true also for the contact person (CONTACTID)

Secondly the API reference manual lists the field names in the various tables and this does not match the list of fields presented in crystal when you choose fields to include in the report. Is there a newer API reference manual ??
November 2nd, 2012, 09:30 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Rob, the employee ID and the contact ID (as well as Account ID) all points to the cards table. You need to 'left join' the data from your main data source and look it up in the cards table. It works like this all over the database. In addition, the tables we have and list are correct, they, however, meant to be used by our programming API, not the direct ODBC connection that accesses the database itself. With the programming API the database is virtualized just like it is listed in the various tables you referred to (e.g. you do not need to know anything about the physical database structure, unlike with ODBC.

Hope this helps.

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