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October 31st, 2012, 09:55 AM
Posts: 1
I batch processed several recurring contracts. I should have batch/copy contracts...
Now the contracts that I processed are sitting in a "complete" stage...
How do I get them out of a "completed" stage and back to and "active" stage?
October 31st, 2012, 12:35 PM
Posts: 2
I received a response back via email from CommitCRM support.
Thank you for all of your help. I appreciate it.

Here is what they suggested I do:

Unfortunately there is no easy way to undo this 

You will need to manually visit the Contracts you completed with the batch and reactivate them.
The other alternative would be to restore from backup but this would mean an entire restore – that will include a restore of your entire CommitCRM database (Tickets, Accounts, Assets, Charges, Notes, etc….).

You can use the advanced filtering option and filter to see only Contracts that were updated today. This will allow you more easily perform the manual activation of these Contracts:

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