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Auto create tickets?

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    Auto create tickets?

    Is there an option to create a ticket every month on a reoccurring basis? What I'm trying to do is have a ticket created on a monthly basis for each of my clients to review their updates and run any updates as needed, but other than creating a reminder for myself, I don't see any automatic way to do this. Any suggestions?

    Re: Auto create tickets?

    The best way would probably be to add a recurring task or appointment. Then once the Task is due right click it and convert it into a new service Ticket. All data - the account, description, etc. will automatically be copy from the recurring Task/Appointment and into the new Ticket.

    To add a recurring Task/Appointment - in the Task/Appointment details window, click the 'Recurring' checkbox, and set the recurrence settings just after clicking OK.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Auto create tickets?

      That is no where near the same as auto creating a ticket. That is just a reminder to create a new ticket.

      No less steps than putting that same reminder in outlook, etc.


        Re: Auto create tickets?

        IMO it's much much better than any type of reminder. As suggested above creating a new service Ticket with the information already filled and the Account already selected is a matter of a SINGLE mouse click... (e.g. convert the Task into a service Ticket).

