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August 22nd, 2012, 01:34 AM
Posts: 45

when i create a ticket, i have to create a sub-task assigned to specified person. Have a task priority ? It's possible to lock a task if a previous are not done ? It's possibile to notify to person to perform a task when a previous in the list are done ?

Thank you for response.
August 22nd, 2012, 06:31 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Tasks for a Ticket are managed under the Ticket's Pending tab. You can also use and apply Activity Templates that will help you to add several Tasks at once and that will be dependent on that Ticket properties - like 1 day after the ticket was opened, 2 days after it, etc. However, the Tasks are not related to one another and each is an individual. Alerts can be sent on Tasks in case you're using RangerMSP Alerts Server and the user selected to receive such email alerts (under Tools > Options > Alerts tab).


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