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August 6th, 2012, 11:30 AM
Posts: 1,146
On login some of our workstations are getting;

The following message has been recorded.
Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
If the above message/solution is not clear, and you are still encountering problems, we recommnd you log out from Commit, log in again and retry.
August 6th, 2012, 11:38 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
I would check network connectivity first. This is because RangerMSP client is shared between all network PCs (e.g. everyone runs the same files and the RangerMSP system is not really "installed" on each PC). Then verify the privileges of the logged in user (should have all access rights and all privileges to the entire 'RangerMSP' folder tree).

Then - try to figure out what's common between all of these PCs. I understand that they've worked well so far - what have changed?
August 6th, 2012, 12:11 PM
Posts: 1,146
The only change has been the recent upgrade.
August 6th, 2012, 12:19 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for your reply.

RangerMSP is not installed on client PCs, all you have is a desktop shortcut to a file on the server (or some local copied file in VPN mode).

If anything changed it is probably related to privileges.
Even if you did not change any other these, still, maybe the permissions of the new files (after the upgrade) is not the same as before.

Please verify that ALL users have ALL access rights and ALL privileges to the entire 'RangerMSP' folder tree including all files and all sub-folders.
August 6th, 2012, 12:23 PM
Posts: 1,146
If works fine after the error message. You just have to hit ok each morning to login.

I will check permissions at some point.

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