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Multiple Tickets and charges

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    Multiple Tickets and charges


    If we have multiple tickets for one client and when we go on site we work on all those tickets. But you don't know how much time you spend on each individual ticket but we know we spend 3 hrs total for all the tickets combine.

    How does one close all the tickets with charges linked to all of them?

    Also when we send the invoice to customer it should list all the multiple tickets information with total charges?



    Re: Multiple Tickets and charges

    This is a problem we saw in other PSA software that we were evaluating that were ticket based. No matter how you get around it the tech needs to allocate a fraction of the time they spent to the individual tickets. Our issue was that the tech are looking for a faster way to handle checking out of a customer site. Previously our tech wrote up a work order and had the site contact sign it. Any tickets addressed were noted in the description of the work order, but the client signed one form and the tech was gone.

    It is my understanding that with CommitCRM the tech should close all tickets completed allocating a fraction of time spent to each ticket and then print out individual service forms for client signature. If there was an on site checkout wizard where the tech could update multiple tickets and print a single consolidate work form that summarized work done that day it would be wonderful. Even just the consolidated service form that way the client does not have to sign through multiple pages it would reduce the client time to get us out of there. I realize this is a big feature request, but it would give you a feature I did not see addressed in Connectwise.


      Re: Multiple Tickets and charges

      Hi Guys,

      Yes, allowing to charge a few tickets which are performed in a single on-site visit is indeed complicated.

      On one hand, you would like to keep track of the tickets, the work performed for each ticket, etc. and on the other hand you would like to handle checking out from the customer quickly, and logging the work at once. It's hard to provide a good solution for this even conceptually, as both wishes contradict each-other...

      RangerMSP does provide flexibility in this area, as it allows you to add charges for the ticket or directly for the account (without referencing the charge to a specific ticket). You can then generate charge reports for the account, listing all charges for the account (regardless of tickets). You can also create invoices in the account level, which allows you to list all of the charges for the account in a single invoice (regardless of the ticket assigned to the charge).

      So, it basically depends on what is more important to you - to be able to track each ticket and see which charges reference it, or enter a single charge for the visit, and just close the tickets as resolved (without detailing the different items and charges for each ticket).

      Yes, this is indeed a complicated real-life subject and we would love to hear ideas on how it can be streamlined further.



        Re: Multiple Tickets and charges


        Agreed time need to be allocated to individual tickets. I do not see any way around that. Our current work flow is fill out a customer work order describing work done for customer signature, and then come back to the office and close open tickets that were addressed on the work order. The big change is that the tech needs to address the tickets on the customer site entering charges, resolutions and closing ticket. This is work that was already being done just now we do it on site.

        The issue I have not completely resolved is what document(s) to present to the customer before leaving their site. I am looking for a cross between a technician service form, and a Detailed Account Charges by Ticket. I guess I need to play around with custom reporting.


          Re: Multiple Tickets and charges

          Couldn't the tech open additional tickets, print them, and get a signature from the web-based version of CommitCRM while on location?


            Re: Multiple Tickets and charges

            Yes, that is the way we must do it with current reports. I am just looking to generate a single technician form that summaries all work done during the Tech's visit. We often will address multiple tickets per visit. Not crucial, but would be nice.


              Re: Multiple Tickets and charges

              we get around this by creating a new ticket for the 'site visit' with the time charged on it and stating everything done whilst there and then on the other tickets putting a charge of no hours referencing the 'site visit' ticket. this way the customer sees everything in one ticket knowing they are being billed for the correct amount of time. only problem is if you want to account for how much time spent on each job for budgeting reasons (client might have budgets for different departments in which case billing would have to be done per ticket)

